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Guidance on using red therapy lights to treat inflammation

Aug. 31, 2024


Infrared red therapy light is gradually being used to treat inflammation.It mainly generates a thermal effect by emitting infrared rays to improve local blood circulation, promote the absorption and metabolism of inflammatory substances, and thus relieve inflammation and pain.


When using a red therapy light to treat inflammation, we should follow these steps and precautions:


(1) Consult a professional doctor:

Before using a red therapy light, it is best to consult a doctor or physical therapist to determine whether it suits your specific situation and how to use it correctly.


(2) Choose the right red therapy light:

Make sure the red therapy light product or device you choose is suitable for treating inflammation. Red Therapy lights have different wavelength options, and the right infrared wavelength is more helpful in treating inflammation.


(3) Determine the treatment area:

Make sure the treatment area is clean, dry, and if there is a wound or infection on the skin, avoid using the red therapy light in this area.


(4) Set the appropriate distance:

According to the instructions of the red therapy light, place the light at an appropriate distance from the treatment area. Usually, this distance is between 30-60 cm, depending on the power and type of the lights.


(5) Adjust the treatment time: 

In the beginning, you can set a shorter treatment time, such as 10-15 minutes, and then gradually increase it according to the response, but generally not more than 30 minutes. 1-2 treatments can be performed per day.


(6) Perform treatment:

Turn on the red therapy lights and make sure that it is directly irradiated on the inflamed area. During the treatment, the light can be moved appropriately to ensure that the entire area is evenly heated.


(7) Observe the reaction:

After red therapy light treatment, observe the reaction of the inflamed area. If redness, swelling, increased pain or other discomfort occurs, stop using it immediately and consult a doctor.


(8) Continuous treatment: 

Follow the doctor's advice and continue treatment until the inflammation is relieved.



(9) Record and adjust: 

Record the time, distance and reaction of each treatment, and adjust the treatment plan according to the effect.


Using a red light therapy to treat inflammation is an auxiliary treatment method, which usually needs to be combined with other treatment measures, such as drug therapy, physical therapy, etc. It must be carried out under professional guidance to ensure safety and effectiveness.

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