Home > Blog>top 10 reasons to forgo LED face masks and choose red light therapy panel!

top 10 reasons to forgo LED face masks and choose red light therapy panel!

Jul. 19, 2024



You might be know: The advocates of red light therapy panels are asserting that the Irradiance of the red light therapy is paramount in this treatment modality. Indeed, a powerful red light therapy panel allows for a greater distance from the skin, yet it delivers comparable therapeutic benefits to those provided by a LED face mask in close proximity.



2.Use more comfortable

Red light therapy panel that operate without direct skin contact eliminate the issue of improper fit, as they inherently adapt to the user's contours. In contrast,LED face masks, despite their adjustable features, are inherently limited by their universal design and may not conform to the individual comfort preferences of every wearer.



While LED face mask can't be shared among peers and relatives without contact, red light therapy panel can be used together without contact, so the value of each investment is multiplied with each new user.


4.More sterile

You can't share a mask with others, and we don't recommend it  A mask is a personal item, a mask is prone to accumulating more contaminants over time compared to a stationary red light therapy panel, which remains untouched and thus,cleaner.


5.Longer life span

Consider the analogy of a desktop computer compared to a smartphone.  A desktop computer remains stationary on a desk, rarely move, akin to the stationary nature of a red light therapy panel once positioned.  In contrast, wearable devices like masks undergo more frequent use and interaction, leading to a higher rate of wear and tear.  Typically, red light therapy panels have a lifespan of 5 to 10 years or more, whereas masks and similar wearable items are expected to endure for a shorter period, typically 12 to 24 months, with durability further reduced by rough handling.


6.Long term value

It is common for the resale price of red light therapy panels to remain between 50% and 80% of the original price. This is especially true for panels that are in brand new condition and retain their original appearance even after years of ownership. In contrast, the practicality of reselling used masks is questionable and generally not a practice we support.


7.More hanging options

A LED face mask remains inherently limited in its use. In contrast, red light therapy panel offers flexibility;  it can be positioned on a stand, mounted on a door, or suspended from the ceiling.  This adaptability allows for the seamless incorporation of red light therapy into a wide range of daily activities. Conversely,  face mask, the scope of activities is typically restricted to passive ones, At best,only read with it


8.WAY More Uses

The application of a LED face mask is inherently restricted to facial areas and cannot be feasibly applied to other body parts such as knees, elbows, the lower back, stomach, or feet. In contrast, a red light therapy panel offers versatility, allowing for targeted treatment on any area of the body.



It's true that LED face masks are more cheaper, right?  Although this is true , when comparing the benefits derived from a red light therapy panel in contrast to a face mask, the panel emerges as the more worthwhile investment.Undoubtedly, considering aspects from point 1 through 8, Especially the tenth point, red light therapy panel is undoubtedly a better choice


10.Near-Infrared Light

All of our red light treatment panels include near-infrared light, a feature that the majority of LED face masks lack.Indeed, if you were to scour the market for a face mask capable of emitting red, blue, and near-infrared light, you would quickly find that the cost exceeds that of our most cost-effective red light therapy panels.

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